Saturday, June 8, 2013

I've Never Been Afraid of Shopping Before...

So, I just tried to go shopping.

That was disastrous and a half. I found something I wanted to purchase, but then it hit me. Where were the changing rooms? What size is anything? And european fashion, someone seriously needs to help me with that. I just don't get it... So, I'm going to hope that I can get together with my intercambio partner soon, and maybe she can help me because without help, I'm going to be looking like a stupid american for quite a bit longer.

Also, totally had the Cafe de Tricolor today. It was good, but very desserty.

I want to go here, but I was lost when I saw it so....
On another note, I got extremely lost today. Like walking around for 2-3 hours lost.

And I thought I already posted this yesterday.... Oh well.

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