Saturday, June 22, 2013

Plans Change..

So, as of now, Estrella's parents have decided that she isn't allowed to go out for San Juan, so she's trying to get me to go with her cousin, and her cousins friends... In Gava, I think(?) Not entirely sure if I want to go, but we'll see. I'm just going with the flow right now.
Also, I've decided that I want to go to a Jazz Club tonight. I'm pretty excited for this. My host mother knows one of them fairly well and she thinks that there's a Cuban band playing there tonight. So I'll see if I can find this place. It strikes me as "very local", which means that it's super hard to find.
Another topic, it turns out that during my last weekend here, I'll be in France for at least most of it, if not all, so next weekend is kind of IT. Even if I have a night free on the weekend I go to France, I'm pretty sure that I'll just use it to ponder as to where did my six weeks go...
 But back to next weekend, I think I'm going to take the train to madrid for a day/night/some period of time. I'm going to try to anyway. No promises... I mean it's like a 6-9 hour ride with stops, for the overnight so... I don't know. That's a lot of travel for one day.

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